K Woodward, E Kanjo, D Brown, M McGinnity, B Inkster, D Macintyre, Athanasios Tsanas, Beyond Mobile Apps: a Survey of Technologies for Mental Well-being” in IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, vol. , no. 01, pp. 1-1, 5555.doi:10.1109/TAFFC.2020.3015018.
Dario Ortega Anderez, Eiman Kanjo, Ganna Pogrebna, Shane Johnson, John Alan Hunt:A Modified Epidemiological Model to Understand the Uneven Impact of COVID-19 on Vulnerable Individuals and the Approaches Required to Help them Emerge from Lockdown, Sensors August 2020.
Kieran Woodward, Eiman Kanjo, Andreas, Oikonomou, Alan Chamberlain, LabelSens: enabling real-time sensor data labelling at the point of collection using an artificial intelligence-based approach. Pers Ubiquit Comput (2020).
Eiman Kanjo, Jim Ang, Deep Learning Analysis of Mobile Physiological, Environmental and Location Sensor Data for Emotion Detection. Information Fusion (AI) Journal, online, 2019.
Eiman Kanjo, M.G. Younis, Nasser Sherkat Towards unravelling the relationship between on-body, environmental and emotion data using sensor information fusion approach, Information Fusion, Volume 40, 2018, Pages 18-31, ISSN 1566-2535,
IRep Publications
Areas of Expertise
- Mobile and sensing technologies
- Data Science
- Artificial Intelligence
- Data analytics and Visualisation
- Technologies for Wellbeing
- Wearable Computing
- Pervasive Environmental and Pollution Monitoring
- Edge Computing and Internet of Things
- Visualisation and Mapping
- Spatial Analysis
- Tagging and Proximity Detection
- Affective computing
- Emotion Monitoring & Mapping
Roles and Responsibilities
Eiman is currently an Associate Professor in Pervasive Computing and DataScience for the Computing and Technology Department at NTU. She conducts research in the areas of Mobile Sensing, Pervasive Computing, Tech for Wellbeing and Data Science.
Prof. Kanjo and her team are currently active in many projects (funded by DCMS, InoovateUK, ESRC eNurture , UCL Dawe Center for Future, DSTL and others funded by industry) linked to IoT, AI on Edge, wearable technologies, apps and software for Wellbeing, she also leads the technical development of the Smart Campus project and is the academic lead for Smart Nottingham. Previously Prof. Kanjo worked in Mobile Sensing at the Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, and was a member of the Cambridge eScience Centre(CeSC). Prof. Kanjo carried out research work at the Mixed Reality Lab (MRL), Computer Science, at the University of Nottingham, in the area of Pervasive Computing and location-based applications.
Other Team Members