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Delivering excellence in spectroscopy analysis for a broad range of industries

MTIF is home to Benchtop NMR Spectrometers and has access to Mass Spectrometers. Our spectrometers are frequently utilised to determine molecular structures that are essential for chemical authentication and metabolomic health studies.

NMR Spectrometers can be used for chemical analysis, reaction monitoring and quality assurance/quality control experiments. Researchers can study the physical, chemical and biological properties of matter without destroying the sample.

Why choose us?

  • Inexpensive routes to analyse samples
  • Quick turnaround times
  • Minimal, non-destructive sample preparation

Our NMR Spectrometers are also available for flexible hire, giving you the option for short and long-term commercial use.

We offer rapid sample analysis

Our researchers are able to analyse samples within just 24-48 hours, depending on the urgency of work.

We partner with a broad range of clients and support both long-term and short-term projects. Whether you need a handful of samples testing, or you have a library of samples in need of documentation and analysis, we are happy to support you and work to your timescales wherever possible.

Oliver Megram

Oliver Megram

Analytical Spectroscopy Researcher

Oliver Megram is an Analytical Spectroscopy Researcher at MTIF, focusing on the optimisation and development of benchtop NMR.

Megan Mahew

Megan Mahew

PhD Researcher, Metabolomic Oncology

Megan is a PhD researcher with a research focus on metabolomic oncology via the application of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

OMICs Laboratory

With MTIF’s two benchtop NMR spectrometers and full suite of genomic analysis and sequencing devices, MTIF is fully equipped to fulfil any requirement across the whole OMICs spectrum. We can help you to achieve the impossible and transform your idea into a reality.